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The First Award Ceremony

Dongrun-Yau Science Awards (Mathematics)

Mathematical Sciences play a prominent role in the development and discovery of science and technology. The demand and expectation on sciences, technology and mathematical sciences will only increase in future. To meet this challenge, we hope to provide an environment to nurture students with strength in foundational mathematics as well as with creativity in addressing problems of our times by means of mathematical tools. The purpose of Dongrun-Yau Science Awards (Mathematics) (DYSA(Math)) is to encourage and acknowledge students and institutions for developing projects with such strength and creativity. Its inspiration is to be a mathematics award program for what the Siemens Westinghouse Science and Technology Competition are for sciences and technology. It encourages participation from all nations, all social and ethnic groups.

Professor Shing-Tung Yau, a world renowned mathematician, first initiated a bi-annual “Hang Lung Mathematics Awards” for high school students in Hong Kong in 2004. With the support of Mr. Dongsheng Chen, personnel support of his Taikang Life Insurance Company Ltd and sponsorship of John Templeton Foundation, the first DYSA(Math) was held in 2008. The first and second award ceremony had been held on October 2008 and December 2009 in Beijing. The third award ceremony will be held on December 2010 Beijing.

Prize Selection Committees

Shing-Tung Yau Chairman of abroad prize selection committee. Field Medalist, Professor of Harvard University , Director of CMS at Zhejiang University

Kefeng Liu Chairman of national prize selection committee. Morningside Medalist,Professor of UCLA,Executive director of CMS at Zhejiang University

Competition Guide

Students who intend to participate may form their teams and complete the initial registration through the registration webpage of Dongrun-Yau Science Awards (Mathematics).

A team should select a suitable mathematical research topic and perform an independent study.

Each team should submit a research report, written in English or Chinese, (Chinese must has an English abstract) before September 1 (the deadline will be announced shortly), through the designated internet channel.

Each team should comply with academic honesty and intellectual property when producing the research report.

Questions and Answers

1.What is the difference of competition format between Dongrun-Yau Science Awards (Mathematics) and the International Mathematical Olympiad?

The Awards encourages innovation, so that students are free to choose the subject and do the research in the open-ended competition. Finally, they will submit their dissertations. Different from the format of The International Olympic Math Competition, The Awards attaches more importance to the overall qualities of innovation, teamwork spirit etc.

2.Since it is an open-ended competition, how will you prevent plagiarism and ensure the fairness?

Each submitted dissertation will go through three stages of assessment. In each stage, experts in the corresponding field will be invited to make rigorous reviews. In the final stage, there will be the live oral defense and presentation. Only after all the three stages the most outstanding recipient can be selected for The Awards.


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